Monday, April 23, 2007

Discover the Possibilities You Never Knew Existed

A more sophisticated search engine than Google?!? Is such an unfathomable feat possible? According to Matthew Boyle of Fortune magazine, one software company's product makes the search leader's "ballyhooed link-popularity algorithms look downright quaint by comparison." Now that I have your firm attention, you're probably asking yourself the same questions I asked myself: who exactly is behind this cutting edge technology, and what makes their software so advanced?

The force to be reckoned with here are the engineers of Endeca, a private, $80 million company based in Cambridge, MA. The core technology is known as the Endeca Information Access Platform, which aids information-based problem solving across a wide variety of business processes. Put more simply, one of the firm's core products is search software that helps customers and employees quickly and easily search corporate intranets, assists law enforcement agencies in their hunt for bad guys, and powers online shopping sites like According to Endeca, its customers (IBM, ABN AMRO, and Boston Scientific, to name a few) across all industries report dramatic increases in their businesses - in fact, they claim that its customers have seen over 100% increases in site registrations, site usage, and data downloads. So popular has their product become that Endeca now services 20% of the Fortune 100 companies.

CEO Steve Papa believes that Endeca cannot only find information, but help companies act on it as well. In other words, the search, once completed, would only be the beginning. Sticking true to the origin of its name (which stems from the German verb "to discover") the company's ultimate goal is to not only allow users to find what they are looking for, but also to discover the possibilities they never knew existed along the way.

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